Resources for patients

Cochrane Hypertension is committed to help people make well-informed decisions about healthcare by preparing, maintaining and promoting accessibility of systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare interventions for the prevention and treatment of hypertension. 

People with consumer perspectives play an integral and unique role in many aspects of Cochrane.  Their perspectives will particularly influence:

  1. Definition of the full range of benefits and problems of health interventions;
  2. The ready accessibility and ease of understanding of Cochrane reviews for a wide range of readers;
  3. Consumers' organizations can play an important part in promoting the use of Cochrane reviews within the community and by health service providers, to the benefit of consumers, health care services, and Cochrane alike.

Cochrane Hypertension aims to develop consumer input.  This may take several forms, such as membership of the editorial team, review of protocols/full reviews, authorship of reviews, dissemination of reviews to consumer groups, sub-editing reviews into English understandable by consumers, handsearching, fundraising, etc.  We also liaise with the Cochrane Consumer Network in order to identify the best ways for consumers to contribute to the review process.

Cochrane Consumer Network
The Cochrane Consumer Network is made up of fellow consumers who are committed to the philosophies of Cochrane and the importance of consumer participation in informed healthcare decision-making processes. The Consumer Network was registered with Cochrane in October 1995 and it aims to support and enhance consumer involvement within Cochrane's range of activities. The Consumer Network can link you with people who share your interests and connect you to the Cochrane groups that work in the areas of health care that concern you most.
Click here for more information about the Consumer Network and how to get in touch

Contact Us
If you have any questions about our findings or how to access information from our reviews please email us.