Resources for Clinicians

Our Commitment to You
Cochrane Journal Club
Evidence for Practice

Our Commitment to You

Our commitment is to provide the best information for clinicians to be able to serve their patients. We are interested in assisting you to make informed decisions when it comes to prescribing medications for your hypertension patients. We strive to help people make well-informed decisions about healthcare by preparing, maintaining and promoting accessibility of systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare interventions for the prevention and treatment of hypertension.


As a clinician, you can access a wealth of knowledge with great ease to learn more about the current state of the evidence on hypertension and its treatment. You can also provide a valuable contribution by sending your feedback or criticism regarding specific reviews.

Cochrane Journal Club

Cochrane Journal Club is a Cochrane feature that introduces a recent Cochrane review, together with relevant background information and related resources, including a podcast explaining the key points of the review, discussion questions to help a reader to explore the review methods and findings in more detail, and even downloadable PowerPoint slides containing key figures and tables to facilitate the presentation of the Cochrane review at a Journal Club meeting. Aimed at trainees, researchers and clinicians alike, each Cochrane Journal Club focuses on a review of special interest, selected from the hundreds of new and updated reviews published in each issue of The Cochrane Library, highlighting practice-changing reviews, controversial conclusions, new methodology, evidence-based methods, and reviews from diverse clinical topics.

Evidence for Practice - Presentations

The below presentations were developed for "Bringing best hypertension evidence to front-line", a knowledge translation and dissemination event conducted on May 7, 2010 

Click the links below to download the presentations/handouts (pdf format):

Evidence-based healthcare basicsDownload
Blood Pressure Assessment and MonitoringDownload
Targets for Patients with HypertensionDownload
First Line Treatments and Second Line TreatmentsDownload
Evidence of Treatment of Hypertension in the ElderlyDownload
Hypertensive EmergenciesDownload

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